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Aalborg Fad
Aalborg Taffel Akvavit
Aalborg Porse Snaps
Aalborg Nordguld Akvavit
Aalborg Jule Akvavit 2024 - Nr. 43
Aalborg Jubilæums Akvavit
Klar Høker Snaps
Gylden Høker Snaps
Harald Jensen Akvavit
Aalborg Export Akvavit
Aalborg Grill Akvavit
Aalborg Krone Akvavit
Aalborg Dild Akvavit
Skål for den originale jule akvavit


    Kraftig og krydret


-18 TIL 7°C

Aalborg Jule Akvavit 2024 - Nr. 43


Aalborg Jule Akvavit hviler på gamle tiders håndværksmæssige principper. Det er derfor, den har sin høje styrke, et højt kommenindhold og den rustikke smag. Opskriften har været den samme siden lanceringen i december 1982, men flaske og indpakning har varieret fra jul til jul. Alkoholprocenten er høj og er helt præcis på 47 %-vol. Det svarer til 8 graders spendrup, som var måleenheden for alkohol i slutningen af 1800-tallet.

Nr. 43 – Den originale jule akvavit

Hvert år er udsmykningen af Aalborg Jule Akvavit noget særligt. Julens budskaber er måske vigtigere end nogensinde. Julen og ikke mindst akvavitten bringer os sammen i smuk tradition. Det er dansk sjæl og tradition – the Danish spirit. Vi samles, ser hinanden i øjnene og skåler. Næstekærligheden, nærværet og varmen spredes. Hjerter flettes og julen bringer vores hjerter i takt.


Aalborg Jule Akvavit er fremstillet på destillat af kommen-, dild- samt korianderfrø. Den har i duft og smag en robust karakter af kommen med en fin eftersmag af appelsin, mandel og citrus. En smag og kvalitet der imponerede dommerpanelet ved International Wines and Spirits Contest (IWSC) – hvor årets Aalborg Jule Akvavit 2023, blev hædret med en flot guldmedalje og hele 95 point ud af 100.

Maden den passer til

Aalborg Jule Akvavit egner sig til stort set al traditionel dansk julemad lige fra marineret sild og laks til flæskesteg, leverpostej og frikadeller med surt. Og så er den fremragende til at forkæle en julegløgg. Det kan i øvrigt også anbefales, at nyde Aalborg Jule Akvavit som en sjus foran pejsen en kold vinteraften.Klik her for et overblik over de mange smukke flasker og design over de mange år Aalborg Jule Akvavit 1982 – 2023


We are passionate about creating great moments. We want to help our customers enjoy themselves – at home, in restaurants, or in bars and clubs. We are proud of our products. We generate revenue, we create good places to work, and we preserve Nordic culture. But we are also aware of the dark side of alcohol. We have to take both its good and its bad aspects into account. At Arcus we are as keen as everyone else to live in a safe and healthy society. Arcus is a leading Nordic wine and spirits company, and we have always taken our corporate social responsibility seriously. We will continue to do so in the future.

That is why we say: Think before you drink. Make great moments even better.


Last updated: 13 August 2018

We care about your privacy. Below, you will find information on the personal data we collect, why we do this and your rights related to the processing of personal data.

The data controller responsible for the personal data we process is Arcus ASA.

Arcus ASA’s contact information is:
Address: Destilleriveien 11, 1481 Hagan, Norway
Email: personvern@arcus.no
Phone number: +47 67 06 50 00
Organisation number: 987 470 569

If you have any questions about our processing of your personal data, please contact us by email at personvern@arcus.no.


We collect and use your personal data for different purposes depending on who you are and how we get in touch with you. We collect the following personal data for the purposes stated here:

1. To reply to enquiries we receive: Name, phone number, email address and potential personal data as a result of the inquiry. The processing of personal data is done on the basis of a balancing of legitimate interests. We consider that this information is necessary in order to help you with your inquiry.

2. To obtain information on the use of our websites, we use cookies. This site uses anonymization functionality, which means that users’ IP addresses are masked before logging. We maintain your personal privacy and only use the information for statistics. Complete IP addresses are not stored and Arcus is unable to identify the data subject. Pursuant to Article 11 (2) of the GDPR, the provisions in Article 15-20 are therefore not applicable. These are the provisions that regulate access to information, correction, erasure, the access to require limited processing and the right to data portability. Arcus has not found that the processing results in any disadvantage to privacy. The data subject has the right to oppose the processing of personal data. The right to oppose the processing can be exercised by changing the settings for cookies. See how to change the settings of your browser at nettvett.no.


We will not disclosure your personal data to others unless there is a basis for such disclosure. Examples of such a basis may be an agreement with you or a legal basis instructing us to disclose the information.

Arcus ASA uses data processors to collect, save or otherwise process personal data on our behalf. In such cases, we have entered into agreements to ensure data security at all stages of the processing. We use data processors for the following purposes:

To retrieve information (via cookies) on visits to our web pages for reporting purposes.

To distribute stock exchange reports and news that individuals have subscribed to.

All processing of personal data we do is within the EU/EEA area.


We store your personal data as long as necessary for the purpose for which the personal data was collected.

This means, for example, that personal data we process on the basis of your consent will be deleted if you withdraw your consent.

Arcus ASA will not store personal data beyond this, unless there is another legal basis for further processing.


You have the right to require access to information, correction or erasure of your personal data. You also have the right to require limited processing, to object to the processing and to require the right to data portability. You can read more about these rights on the Data Protection Authority’s website: www.datatilsynet.no.

To exercise your rights, please contact us at email address: personvern@arcus.no.

We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible, and no later than 30 days.

We will ask you to confirm your identity or to provide additional information before we allow you to exercise your rights. We do this to ensure that we only provide access to your personal data to you, and not to someone pretending to be you.

You may withdraw your consent to processing personal data at any time. The easiest way to do this is to send an email to personvern@arcus.no.


If you think our processing of personal data does not match what we have described here or that we otherwise violate the GDPR, you may submit a complaint to the Data Protection Authority.

For information on how to contact the Data Protection Authority, visit the Data Protection Authority’s website. In Norway: www.datatilsynet.no.


In the event of a change of our services or changes to the regulations on processing personal data, there may be changes in the information provided here. If we have your contact information, we will notify you of these changes.